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Offline Regional, Store Tourney, In Store Tutorial & Pirates Party Vol.2 All Announced!

Offline Regional Store Tourneys Pirate Party Vol 2 Announced

Today Bandai announced three new tournaments and another tutorial round to start in March and April. The first is the Offline Regional, which is part of the Championship 2023 events. The second is Vol. 2 of the Store Tournament. Then Pirates Party Vol. 2 and the In Store Tutorial that will feature a deck for new players and a new Promo Pack!

There are a bunch of promos and new cards that’ll also be released. P-026 Morgan will finally make its way to the Global version, as will Promotion Pack 2023, Tournament Pack Vol.2, and a new Demo Deck 2023 with a different leader.

Today’s announcements of a new set of events show that the One Piece Card Game competitive scene is really kicking off. Before we get into each event, you might not have heard about the big plans that are ahead for this year’s official tournament plan.

Hey – Check out all of the upcoming and past One Piece card game events on our new listing page!

One Piece Championship 2023

Back in January, Bandai announced the Championship 2023 – a series of large offline, online, and store events that would culminate in a National Finals at the start of 2024. They promised that we would “Witness the birth of the best One Piece card game player!” through a series of events.

There will be three “waves” of Online Regionals where players from different areas face off via webcam. The first was announced with the Championship back in January. It will be held in March with nine events in total – info and registration here though most have closed entry and sold tickets.

April-May Offline Regional

There will also be three waves of Offline Regionals, with the first set starting in April. This is what has been announced today.

There will only be five events, which doesn’t seem like much. We’d wager that without much planning time, it will have been hard to meet the demand for large-scale events because the game has been so popular.

Bear in mind that this is the first wave of events, with more Offline regionals to come in July and October. There are also two more waves of Online regionals and the Store Championships (two waves) haven’t even been announced yet. Hopefully, we’ll see wider coverage of different areas in later events.

Legal cards and sets are yet to be clarified. It’s likely that OP-01, OP-02, all ST-01 to ST-05 decks, and all promos will be legal apart from the regional (offline and online stamped versions) cards. Event Pack Vol.1 may or may not be legal. We are clarifying with the judges.

Offline Regional Prizing

We’ll write a full article on the Offline regional and prizing soon, but there will be a wide range of event and promo packs available. One of those is the Nami sleeves, which are sure to be popular because Nami.

Nami Sleeves
The Nami sleeves come in a pack of 10 and are awarded to the Top 128 players per event

The Event Pack Vol.1 will be up for grabs again. This contains some really playable cards so it’s likely lots of people will want in on any event with them. It’ll also be possible to get the Don!! sleeves, a Gold Don!! card, and a Don!! Card Pack Vol.2 which features holographic, colored Don!! cards.

The top 16 from the North American events only will get invites to the National finals, plus one of the 700 Limited Serial Number Luffy cards. 2nd Place will get more Gold Don!!, and the champion will get a full card set of stamped cards for the event as a playmat, Gold Don!! and a full OP-02 booster box.

Store Tournament Vol. 2

The first round of Store Tournaments started in December and will continue until the end of February. If you’ve been playing at your locals, you’ll have seen the five cards available in the Tournament Pack Vol.1. The Winner pack is the same cards but with a Winner stamp.

Volume 2 of the Store Tourneys will start in March and feature a new set – Tournament Pack Vol. 2. This set breaks the mold of the last by having just four cards. Three are slightly altered art versions of OP-01 cards, but one is a special black Don!! with Red text.

The winner pack has different pack art, and the same cards in a full art version, altered backgrounds, and Winner stamps. Each pack contains just one of the four cards. Every participant gets one Tournament Pack Vol.2, the winner gets one Tournament Pack Vol.2 -Winner-.

If you haven’t been to a local event, this is the best way to get involved in the community. You can meet up with other players, test out your deck, get advice on your build, and trade for any rare cards. Support your local independent games store!

Pirates Party Vol.2

Pirates Party events are casual events that players don’t need to book in for. It’s more of a chance to play with a few friends or the store staff to learn the game or just play casually. This is the second round of events.

The first volume was in December 2022 and attendees were given the P-024 I’m Gonna Be King of the Pirates!! card just for attending. It was pretty hard to find stores with these as they aren’t advertised on Bandai TCG+.

This time the promo card for attending is P-026 Morgan. He’s a black Navy-type character card that costs 4 to play with 5000 power and 1000 counter. He is one of the missing numbered P promo cards in English. We don’t have the official image but we do have the Japanese version.

P-026 Morgan Japanese

The English language text should read: “[When attacking] Give up to one of your opponent’s Character card -3 cost during this turn.

In Store Tutorial

At the same time, there will be more in-store tutorials held with another Demo Deck given out to anyone that wants to try out the game plus the new Promotion Pack 2023 with another five cards.

Demo Deck 2023 has OP01-001 Roronoa Zoro as the leader. It likely has 40 main-deck cards instead of 50, and probably has 10 Don!!, plus a rules set/playmat and the promo pack bundled in.

The Promotion Pack 2023 cards are all re-prints with slightly different art from the originals. They come from OP-01, OP-02, and ST-06 which won’t have been released when this pack comes out. The pack art features Marco from the card.

We’ve added all of the cards and sets (apart from the offline regional ones, we’ll get to them soon) to our database. If you’ve reached this far please do us a favor by commenting below, liking and sharing on social media, and taking a look at our card and set listings, or other recent articles.

Today’s Question: What are your favorite promos from upcoming events?
Comment with your answer below…

2 thoughts on “Offline Regional, Store Tourney, In Store Tutorial & Pirates Party Vol.2 All Announced!”

  1. Why can’t the Offiline regionals/treause cups be orginized in capital cities where it is easier and cheaper to travel to and instead every time it’s some kind of remote place where travel costs are sometime 5x larger then to a Berlin\London\Paris?


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